The adage, “Good advice never comes late” is an adage that one will find many examples against. There are many examples of good advice coming too late. You can find examples in literature and in every current event in which people have made wrong decisions.
One may argue that in most pieces of literature good advice never does come late. However, the world in which we live in right now isn’t a fairy tale. On the contrary in reality one will find many examples of good advice coming too late. In books good advice never comes late occurs because most books are written to inspire people to have hope no matter how difficult the situation in which they are placed in is. In all books, be it Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings in the end everything turns out for the better and good advice never does come late. One must remember though, we don’t have elves or fairies; we don’t have wizards or dwarves. Therefore even if we do receive good advice that doesn’t necessarily mean we will be able to make use of it.
President Bush has many people to give him counsel and good advice. He has already though, tried to liberate Iraq and is now not able to control the bombings and shootings. Many civilians have died because of this. President Bush has many people giving him “good advice” he however is not able to apply the good advice. When he does try to apply it, it so far hasn’t worked. This is proof of good advice coming too late. One can receive good advice early on but if one chooses not to apply the good advice it makes no difference. When people around the world were holding demonstrations pleading for peace the White house chose to ignore the advice of society and is now facing a problem. No matter how good the advice they receive, they have chosen to listen too late.
It isn’t that, good advice comes too late it is that people choose to listen too late. Sometimes people don’t have the courage and bravery to carry through the advice that people have given them. Good advice is always there, it is one’s choice to listen to the good advice or let it pass by. Most times, people let the advice pass by and when they discover the wisdom of the advice it is too late.
Nov 16, 2003